New House Jin, Dental Visit
I dreamed I'd just purchased a three story house in a small hilly community across from a lake. I was moving in with the help of several friends. I was making notes of what colors to buy for paint. Everything was white, even the carpets. With the exception of my bedroom, I had everything put in the center of each room. After I started pacing the place out, I realized my lowest level seemed to be missing about three rooms worth of space. While the house was against a hill side, there was still a lot of empty space unaccounted for. We went down into the garage.
In the garage I noticed a taped over area of dry wall, recently mudded. I pulled at the seams and, sure enough, there was a doorway behind the tape. There are hidden rooms off of the basement/garage, about three of them, all bright oranges and greens. The occupant seemed happy to see us, apparently having been taped in by the previous owner. She was just about out of food. Oddly, she seemed quite content with her impending doom. "I knew I'd be all right."
"Do you know that this house was sold?"
"I do now. I hope I can serve you, I can pay rent..."
"You aren't upset about being walled into these rooms?"
"They're much more spacious than the last place I was in, and I wasn't in here long at all. So, I'm much happier than last time."
She acted happy to be out and was not in the least concerned about being walled in and nearly out of food. Then with a blink we're all in nice night wear and she escorted us out to a night club "that I know is a happening little place by the water."
I realized that she is some sort of Jin, and had determined that I am her new savior, since I unsealed her "prison". So far I hadn't asked any thing of her, so decided to be real careful not to ask for anything until I was fairly certain she wasn't the 'twist the wish' sort of vengeful Jin. She seemed friendly enough. We danced at the jazz club, she smelled very nice, and there I decided not to throw her out of the house.
"You're welcome to stay downstairs, we'll talk tomorrow about the future."
We had dinner and most of my friends had to leave to get to work in the morning. I was taking an extended leave of absence, so didn't have to do anything but pick up paint and carpet dye. Then paint and dye, then unpack. I was beginning to re-think the whole move the whole library thing. I hadn't ever intended to move, but the opportunity to double my living space and pocket a huge profit on the old house, as well as leaving difficult memories behind, finally was too much to pass up.
Then there is a visit to a dentist's office. I get invited to lunch with the dental assistant and several of her friends. We carpool to a Chinese restaurant near by. The dental assistant decided to leave early and walk back to work.
Driving back a little later, I spotted the dental assistant on the median, walking. Some young men in a car ahead of us are harassing her. I climb out of the car, while it is moving, cross over the passenger side, using the door handles and window frames to hold on, then to the front of the car where a broken headlight provides a handhold and then a foothold, and then roll off the driver's side to land in the median on the soft grass. She starts to run back to the office. I know that I am not in any sort of shape, particularly after my car stunt, to go running after her. Now I am worried that I will be late for my appointment. I seem to have distracted the young men from her, though, so that was good.