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Fermius Firefly

A Dream Log, whenever I remember the dreams I've had.

My Photo
Location: San Marcos, United States

Fermius is a pen name drawn from a series of short fiction I wrote when I published the small press magazine Stellanova (on paper.) I play RPG games to escape from my daily grind as a technology wage slave for the state of California. I eat out a lot in order to do my part in supporting our increasingly service level economy. I am butler to 2 feline masters. If you ask them they will tell you I'm not very good at it, late with dinner, don't have enough hands with brushes in them, and sometimes I even lock them out of their office.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sky Tigers

We were running down the sandy sloped bottom of a wide canyon, our kite string payed out behind us, our kites catching the hot wind that rushed up from the desert below. In the sky behind us, ribbons made tearing noises in the sky, driving the flat rippling sky tigers ahead of them. The tigers roared and skittered side to side, dodging our kites and undulating on the desert current. As they tired they began to slow, and to drift upwards towards our waiting kites. The Jade tiger my friend was chasing suddenly broke for the far wall of the canyon, and in the excitement my friend raced under my line and his kite followed a moment later, bobbing above mine, and just like that, we were tangled. I had already sent my catchers aloft to nab the giant orange and black specimen that was preparing to turn and fight my kite, by my friend had not yet launched her catchers. I started to run after her, "quick, let's get the jade tiger!"

One of my catchers glanced the orange sky tiger and latched on, the kites and one frightened sky tiger swirled in a mad dance over our heads. The jade tiger turned and hesitated, I ducked under my friend's line and her catchers were suddenly free to zip into the air overhead, catching the jade tiger. We slowly reeled both kites in, the sky tigers becoming limp on contact with the sand. We raced to them to collect a bit of essence, then fed them from our vacuum flasks of cold chicken soup before lifting them into the air to catch the breeze and sail off. They liked the soup enough that catching them next time would be easier, and eventually, they would just come for the soup.

Despite the heat of it, I liked our new home.