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Fermius Firefly

A Dream Log, whenever I remember the dreams I've had.

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Location: San Marcos, United States

Fermius is a pen name drawn from a series of short fiction I wrote when I published the small press magazine Stellanova (on paper.) I play RPG games to escape from my daily grind as a technology wage slave for the state of California. I eat out a lot in order to do my part in supporting our increasingly service level economy. I am butler to 2 feline masters. If you ask them they will tell you I'm not very good at it, late with dinner, don't have enough hands with brushes in them, and sometimes I even lock them out of their office.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Random with Kiwi.

There were dreams this morning of a convoluted sort with no real plot, regular theme, or even with a stable cast or location. There were lots of blue and brown, though. 

Music, too, lots of music, instrumental, mostly, and a delightful moment where I was explaining to a companion that the signs didn't really say anything because I was just dreaming. My companion turned into a kiwi.   "I suppose it doesn't matter then, you can't read any way." 


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blue Nanite Skin

In last night's dream I found myself looking through a microscope at tetrahedral frames with tiny spherical motors on each end. They were able to connect to one another and still move in a very fluid fashion. Each nanite had a small open pit in e center that somehow served as transmitter, receiver, and memory.

I could see the bundle of nanites in the field of view form up into a long twisted tube. The length of the control pit, because of the fouled nature of the nanite geometry was far longer than it would seem possible. I found myself wondering if they could build up to a point where they were intelligent.

When struck by light the nanites were a bright blue. I stretched out a small sample of them across the back of my hand and they smoothed themselves out like a thin film if oil. in just a few seconds they were using my hair and dead skin cells to fuel their expansion. I hadn't counted on that. Soon the nanites had completely covered me in a blue second skin.

There was a few scary moments when the suit tried to cover my eyes and mouth, but after a bit of wrestling, I was able to pull them back and convince the suit that I needed them to operate properly. When I managed to get out of the room I was in I saw myself in a mirror, I looked like The Tick. I remember thinking it could be worse.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Unicycling in the Dark

The dream was much longer than the part I remember. After the main action of the dream, something involving the downtown night life of the Dream City, I found myself rolling home on my electric unicycle. The headlight was out, however, so I was trying to stick to the less busy streets and allies of the city. 

It was the weekend before Halloween, and for some reason there were a raft of Trick-or-Treaters under two foot tall running all over the place. Most of them were dressed as ballerinas or angels.

I turned down an alleyway and found a young man grabbing the little costumed kids and goosing them. The kids formed up in bunches and ran past him in a crowd, more or less sacrificing one of their number as the price to pass. As soon as I wheeled into the narrow passage he let his latest victim go. I rolled slowly by him, and he gave me a hateful look. I reached the other side where a little ballerina stood sobbing, she had arrived too late to go with the last group.  I tuned my unicycle around and offered to escort her through.

The evil boy slipped back into the shadows, so I watched the little ballerina, a very elvish little person, much older than her short stature would have indicated, race through the alley to rejoin her group. 

It wasn't until I was on my way that I realized the little Trick-or- Treaters didn't have any bags of candy or masks. As I rode on, headed to my room at The Hillside (restaurant/friend's home), I wondered who or what they actually were.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Volcano Soccer

I dreamed that I was playing soccer at a mountain retreat. The game didn't last very long, as most of the players were even more out of shape than me. 

I spent a lot of time kicking goals from a grassy slope whose downhill run gave me a little advantage approaching the other team's goal. After a bit the other team stopped defending if I got the ball while I was up on that slope. 

As we walked back across the valley, I looked up and noticed that there was smoke and lava coming from the mountain top. The lava was pouring down the slopes and two molten streams were heading right for our little valley, and another stream was headed for a valley across a low ridge where the women's camp was located. 

Since I was in the best shape (and that's pretty sad) I volunteered to run over and warn them. 

The next part of the dream was spent running across the ridge, down across a little ravine, where the bottom was all ready filling with a hot tarry ooze. I worried about there being gasses so took some deep breaths and held my breath as I picked my way down the shallow ravine and stepped over the tar from boulder to boulder. 

I was completely out of breath when I finally jumped up out the other side. I started calling out to the women's camp as I got close, waving up towards the lava flow when I finally managed to get someone's attention. 

I could barely jog the las couple of hundred yards to their camp, and by that time, they had loaded up all their vehicles and left. I stood there in their little valley, wondering how the heck I was going to get out myself, since none of them had waited for me.  

I looked back over in the direction of the men's camp, and there was all ready a tendril of lava headed through the shallow ravine I'd just crossed. There was no way I was going to run back.

I scoured the storage garages, hoping there was some sort of camp vehicle, like a golf cart, anything.  The only thing I found was a rack of kayaks and a bunch of hang gliders, rolled up in their tubes. It was obvious that they hadn't been used in a very long time.

I started putting together one of the hang gliders, figuring that would be the fastest way down the mountain. I called back to the camp to make sure my friends were evacuating and not waiting for me. I needn't have worried, they were all so busy packing and driving out that no one picked up the phone. That was when I wondered why we hadn't just called them in the first place.

I wondered, as I took off with the mountain on fire behind me, if I should try to glide back over to the camp where my car was parked, or if I should just glide strait down the mountain. I hated the idea of leaving my car and camera. I decided as I picked up altitude that I would fly over in that direction and see how close the lava was to the camp. 

It wasn't close, but the road was all ready smoking just a bit further down the hill. There was no way I would be able to drive my car out, and I figured that landing and trying to make a second successful takeoff would be tempting fate just a little bit too much. I whooshed over the camp, out over a stream of lava, the camp looked like it just might survive, as the lava was passing through the valley on one side and another ravine on the other. I could feel the heat rising off of the lava so turned gently down slope into the wind, causing me to suddenly gain altitude. I could see the stream of cars headed down the mountain. Lava poured down into the  ravine that the road snaked around. 

I hoped they would be able to get off the mountain before the lava overflowed onto the road at the bottom.

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