I had Four dreams this morning, three that I remember parts of, there are snippets of images that remain for others, but they had no plot, no way to hang a memory of them in my conscious mind. I know I told the fourth one to Nan this morning upon waking, but I don't remember it now.
The first I recall is that Nan and I were at my Parent's house. I heard scratching on the dining room window screen. I looked out the window and was surprised by a racoon sliding down the screen. "Hey, get off of there," I said, not particularly panicked or worried.
Nan ran for the garage door to let Ralston in, as he was cowering at the base of the retaining wall. The racoon jumped down and grabbed Purina/Penelope (you know how identity shifts in the dream world.) by the tail and bit almost all the way through it then started to drag her off. While she was clawing the ground and howling to get away, I pulled the screen out of the window to climb out. I hoped to rescue Purina/Penelope. I pushed the screen down over the racoon to prevent it from escaping with our cat.
There was a Diablo III dream of sorts. My rogue character, a Rogue, was with a group trying to take out the blue dragon boss creature.
The Dragon confused the party and we ended up fighting one another, except me, I went and used my skills to hide from everyone. Finally there was one Ice-Mage left, a minion and I maneuvered myself so that my arrows, when they missed the Ice casting Minion, would hit the Blue Dragon Instead. The dragon didn't seem to like that much and so it killed the Mage and started chasing my character around. I didn't see a way out of the place, so was brought down. I watched as the Dragon place my character's body on the final altar to open a portal to another world and break his binding to this one. Unfortunately for the Dragon, I had an amulet of ressurection on my character. I waited until the portal formed, then triggered my revival. Sneaking down off the altar, I slipped through the portal. The perspective immediately changed, I was suddenly not running the game, I was in it. I was not my character, however, I was just a disembodied voice. The Rogue met some villagers who sniffing him began guessing what village he was from, because he didn't "smell like he was from around here."
The Rogue made his way to a small town and spent the night, I drifted about, but was unable to do anything more than talk to the Rogue and make suggestions. I could see some things around corners for him, etc. He was soon bored of the area, and desired to find a way back to his own world. The villagers had all informed him that it would mean banishment or even death to mess about with the temple ruins he's originally claimed to come from. Curiosity got the better of him and he headed back to the forbidden temple.
I tried to talk him out of it, but the place we were in was just too boring for him.
Once there, the Rogue opened the gates (Red and white enameled iron bars with a dragon theme relief across the top of the structure.) Upon opening them, the portal opened. Inside we could see the Dragon training a couple of new minions.
The Rogue pulled out a blowgun and loaded a poisen dart. Again, I warned him that he would give us away. A couple of Pfft! noises later, and the minions were lying unconscious on the floor of the Dragon's lair. The Dragon entered the room and immediately noticed the darts and looked back along their path to see the portal open again. I tried to get the Rogue to leave the scene, close the gates. But he just stepped back away from the portal a bit. The Dragon awakened his minions and charged the portal, grabbing around the corner to get the Rogue. Even though I tried to intervene, I was still insubstantial. The Dragon did seem aware of me.
He took a sword from the Rogue and turned back through the portal, "Keep this part of me alive on pain of your own death!" he roared at his minions, then lopped off one of his own toes. The pain of it made him drop the Rogue, in the lair side of the portal. The Dragon, now still technically bound to his lair was free to roam the countryside as long as the toe was kept alive. I could not trigger the ressurection amulet, as I was now in the game, not controlling the game. the Dragon reached for the Rogue, then heard bells from the nearby village and turned towards its new hunting grounds with a gleeful bound and unfurling of wings.
I told the Rogue that he had to trigger the amulet get up and throw the toe out of the portal, dooming the Dragon. I could get no response, however.
I drifted into the Rogue's body, and waited. The minions looked at me and decided to place me at the base of the altar. They then set the toe on top of the altar, and began to fill it with healing energies. At last, one of them left. I triggered the amulet and found myself in the Rogue. I grabbed the bloody toe by the claw and raced towards the portal with it. The minion cast a healing spell on it even while I ran. It twitched in my hand, bloodying my fingers by drawing the tip of the claw across them. On the other side of the portal I could see the Dragon gliding down on the hapless town, then the toe, and the Dragon exploded into dust that roared back towards the portal. I dove to the ground, then rolled over to the gates, drawing them closed as the blue sparkling dust roared through the portal.
I realized that I was trapped again on the boring side of the portal.
The dream I had just before waking was of the disturbing images kind. I was in the garage, feeding the outside cats, when they started to get agitated and went into hiding. I looked out of the side garage door, there a large German shepherd type dog was walking towards the back of the house. Its brown fur was matted and unkempt looking. It had a cargo net strapped across its back. Under the net were grey and black penguin carcasses. Another dog went past the door. It was also grey and black, its fur was ragged, patchy. The fur (about six inches long where it existed) was missing on the left half of its face and neck. I slipped out behind them, making sure none of the cats got out. I could feel terror radiating from the ragged dog as it turned its cataract covered gaze on me. Though terrified, I stood my ground and both dogs finally left the yard. How they fled, and what direction I don't know, they were simply no longer there. I pulled back the lawn, like a blanket, from the rosebush in the South West corner to the edge directly across from the West wall of the house. Arranged in neat rows were small shallow graves, each with the remains of a penguin or other small animal in it. I remember thinking, "What in my life makes me have dreams like this?"