A couple of miles later, we came across a couple truck loads of soldiers, they too had broken down. I offered to take them to their evacuation point, so they climbed on the outside of the vehicle. For some reason the mom of the group thought that was too dangerous, as the zombies might get the. I pointed out that zombies weren't part of the problem, poisoned water supplies and radiation cloud was. The sargent of the squad riding on my bright red Humvee asked me to drive across country to get to the bridge evacuation point faster. I had to slow down enough to keep the soldiers from bouncing off, but we still made goo time, and managed to avoid the rockets that screamed overhead, pockmark in the roadway. we appeared to be the last group out, so the road being blown up was without casualties. Though the Sargent didn't say so, I got the impression that we were the ones blowing up he road, not the terrorists who'd put plutonium dust in the water supply.
This afternoon was a mostly calmer dream until it wasn't... I was starting a new job subbing in a school in the swampy part of the country. I was walking through the halls when I noticed that all the women teachers were les than five foot tall, and all the men but myself were over six foot tall. Every junction in the halls had double doors, a natural choke point we manned to keep an eye on the kids as they travelled between classes. N was going to school there and wasn't happy about it. He took my keys and keyed J's car. I called him a couple of rude names, immediately felt that was bad decision, as he then tossed the keys into the stream along side the road. I had just picked him up to toss him in after them when I spotted the alligator and snatched him back to the bank, pulling him up seconds before the critter's jaws snapped shut.