Ginger Escapes, Lunch Cuddles
I dreamed I was visiting my parents’ house, bringing in the mail and such while they were on vacation. Ginger was living there for some reason, and she was being very cuddly and following me around as I cleared up some little weeds in the front yard. Suddenly, without warning, she jumped up and ran across the street and down the side street for no apparent reason that I could see.
I tried to follow her but she cut across a neighbor’s lawn and was over the fence into their back yard in a shot. I was very sad about this, and had the gut twisting feeling that I would never see her again.
In a happier dream, just before waking, I was sitting in Lupita’s having lunch, talking to a couple of brunette haired women. One of them returned from the restroom and instead of sitting in her own chair, sat on my lap. She had a very long torso, so her bust was nearly at chin level. Awkward and pleasant at the same time. Made me completely forget the thread of my conversation, though.
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