Portal Attack, Jedi Mall, Hotel Dream
Three Dreams.
Paper Doors and Green Laser Holo door. Keeping the zombies out with a maul, and folding, and tearing. Very intense dark visuals.
The first rift into our world was two pieces of paper, black on one side, white on the other. They were on the floor next to one another with about a half inch folded up at 90 degrees on their common side so you could see the black of the other side in the narrow gap between the two pages. You could also see things moving in the darkness between the two sheets of paper. I slid them together, sensing something way out of kilter with them. A dead looking hand tried to force the pages apart. I pressed the pages together as tight as I could hold them by their half inch "handles" I could feel something striking the underside of the page. A couple of fingers poked through the gap between the pages. Someone, I didn't see who, brought me a maul. I tapped the hand that was coming through the gap against the floor. The hand withdrew and I slid the pages together facing one another. I pressed them together with all my strength, still feeling hands bumping against the paper, even though I had both sheets off the floor. I pressed the folds down flat against on another so there were just two white sides, flat. Though you couldn't see anything, if you put a hand on the pages, you could feel the blows coming from the "inside."
I don't know what made me think of it, but I held the pages up and began tearing tiny pieces of both pages, keeping them pressed together while I ripped. The small pieces drifted off to the floor, now white on both sides. I continued tearing the pages apart until there were no shreds left larger than a dime.
The creepyness went out of the room, but I still knew we weren't done yet.
"Something or someone is causing this."
I picked up the maul and headed to the staff cafeteria to ask some pointed questions.
When we arrived there was no one there. The lights were out, and wouldn't go on.
"That's a bad sign in a monster movie. Maybe we should go back." My companion hesitated at the doorway.
I stepped into the cafeteria. I could see an old video projector aimed across the room. It was really an old model, about 60 pounds of 80 characterwide 23 lines deep green screen. There was no image, though, just an oval shape, lit with the eerie green light in the center of the cafeteria. The oval was about two feet high and six inches across. It was spinning vertically on its long axis, getting thicker and thiner as it turned. I couldn't tell if the shape wasn't circular in cross section, or if it was changing, like breathing.
Suddenly, a very solid looking hand appeared in the shape and thrust out from it.
I ran forward with the maul, swinging it around to build momentum. Soon it was whirling in circles like one would twirl a hammer for a hammer toss. I moved into where I would swing through the beam and strike the area just where I thought a body would be attached to the arm that was now poking through the ellipsoid, stretching it wider. I struck nothing until the second pass, there were shapes from the projector reflected back off the head of the maul, and then the maul's head vanished momentarily into the shape. I felt contact, solid but giving like a body, and the arm and hand were pulled back as I followed through with the blow.
The ellipsoid quivered as the maul passed back fully into this realm. I began spinning faster, windmilling the maul through the space of the ellipsoid while shouting at my unwilling companion to shut off the projector.
My companion didn't come into the room, however.
I repositioned myself so that I was tearing at the ellipse and moving it closer to the projector. Even though I knew it wasn't the optimum choice, I was trying to drive the opening closer to the projector so I might be able to knock the power cord out of the socket, or failing that, just smash the projector. I knew that if I smashed the projector, we would have to find the rift all over again, because something else, not broken, would become the new nexus for a portal. Only by allowing the projector to remain intact could we just power the portal generator down without causing it to shift somewhere else.
I tried to explain this to my companion while swinging the maul, but I was getting sore and tired. I moved close to the power switch but out of the beam and even further from the power cord, which came out of the bottom of the projector and was held in by a screwed on metal plate. Another zombie tried to make it through the portal when I moved to within reach of the power switch. I sped back, slamming the dried dead creature back to where it came.
"Please, just come in and turn the power off," I pleaded.
But my companion had run away and I was there in the dark and green cafeteria, alone.
My shoulder began to burn from the effort of lifting the maul each swing into the upper part of its orbit. I missed the oval green and black swirl completely, and it jumped away from the projector back out into the center of the room. I could see more Zombies approaching the gap. Desperate, I swung the maul around and flung it at the oval. I didn't even watch it go, turning and slamming the switch into the off position. I didn't hear the maul hit the ground in the room with me. I didn't want to turn around.
This could make a really creepy short film.
Jedi at the Mall
My Jedi Partner and several others were joined by their apprentices in a test hosted on a world that seemed to also host a large number of huge shopping malls. My partner and I found several gemstone hearts (he found one I all the others, then discovered it was all a trick to find Jedi who had the ability to find things, and then to kill them. I was bummed by this, because I was holding the bag with all the gemstones but one that had been found. I hadn't been using the Force, either, just being observant of the tracks in the still wet lawn outside the mall.
There was also me escaping to try to use the Force to encourage the Mall visitors to get to their vehicles and exit in an orderly fashion. I couldn't really use the Force, though, so I just stood there waving my arms and asking people to leave calmly as the planetary defense force was coming to arrest people. That worked.
I managed to sneak back and rescue my partner Jedi and several other apprentices. There was a cool sequence of flying through a gauntlet of attacking fighters that looked a lot like the old black and white vector Starwars game.
I jumped back down to the ground using a gravity belt, and was trying to rescue several other Jedi, who'd been rounded up and placed in a warehouse. There was a Rancor that had been upgraded with robotic parts into a horrifying chimera, part animal part machine. It was going to be used to try to kill or experiment with the captured Jedi, somehow the robotic parts were supposed to make it immune to the Force. I discovered that the mechanical nature of the beast didn't make it immune to shoulder fired missiles (not so graciously donated by a soldier of the planetary militia.)
I was captured and brought up before the dark knight whose plan/experiment this was. He gloated that I'd only damaged the easily replaceable robotic limbs and the Rancor lived.
I thought that was great, as that had been my intention. This made him angry for some reason.
He then was handed a bag of seven gemstones I'd accumulated during the exercise. I didn't see any reason to tell him that I was holding one of them for the Jedi who'd actually found it.
Turns out there were only nine to be found, and with my halfdozen, and the one still in its hiding place, all of them were accounted for.
There was an explosion in the warehouse. The Jedi were escaping. I hadn't really had time to have anything to do with that.
"Let them go, we have the ones we need." Apparently the other Jedi who'd found a gemstone had been killed during the initial capture. (The PDF had found the other stone on a Jedi body.)
The Green Robed Dark Jedi turned back to me. "Where's your lightsaber?"
"I don't have one."
"You're not a Jedi?"
"I didn't say I was."
"You're too old to be a padwan."
"So they keep telling me."
"You're not trying to resist or summon help from the other Jedi. You're not really expecting them to rescue you?" He looked at me. I could tell he was trying to learn something through the Force, but I couldn't tell what it was. As far as I know I was completely blind to the adventures of Midichlorians. I was, however, really good at finding things.
I offered that I thought he was going about the whole evil overlord thing all wrong, and that he had some much better options for keeping hold of his power. That seemed to intrigue him.
Hotel dream with random images.
People kept coming through my room while I was trying to get into the shower. Elizabeth, N, Drama students, and the cooks for breakfast. Breakfast was served and there were stacks of pancakes and sausages on the side of the large outdoor grill, like we used to do for senior breakfast at the Mount.
I was then hearing arguing from next door and opened up the connecting door. It was a team from another HS. I asked what they were working on, then let them calm themselves while explaining it to me. I asked a couple of very directive questions, and soon they were off running in one direction again.
They asked how I knew so much and I explained that I was coaching one of their competitors teams, but in drama not science. "I wish you were our coach," one of them opined.
"I work for the district office, you can always call me." I tossed him one of my cards.
"IT department, not drama, it says here."
"Well, everyone needs a hobby, right?"
Paper Doors and Green Laser Holo door. Keeping the zombies out with a maul, and folding, and tearing. Very intense dark visuals.
The first rift into our world was two pieces of paper, black on one side, white on the other. They were on the floor next to one another with about a half inch folded up at 90 degrees on their common side so you could see the black of the other side in the narrow gap between the two pages. You could also see things moving in the darkness between the two sheets of paper. I slid them together, sensing something way out of kilter with them. A dead looking hand tried to force the pages apart. I pressed the pages together as tight as I could hold them by their half inch "handles" I could feel something striking the underside of the page. A couple of fingers poked through the gap between the pages. Someone, I didn't see who, brought me a maul. I tapped the hand that was coming through the gap against the floor. The hand withdrew and I slid the pages together facing one another. I pressed them together with all my strength, still feeling hands bumping against the paper, even though I had both sheets off the floor. I pressed the folds down flat against on another so there were just two white sides, flat. Though you couldn't see anything, if you put a hand on the pages, you could feel the blows coming from the "inside."
I don't know what made me think of it, but I held the pages up and began tearing tiny pieces of both pages, keeping them pressed together while I ripped. The small pieces drifted off to the floor, now white on both sides. I continued tearing the pages apart until there were no shreds left larger than a dime.
The creepyness went out of the room, but I still knew we weren't done yet.
"Something or someone is causing this."
I picked up the maul and headed to the staff cafeteria to ask some pointed questions.
When we arrived there was no one there. The lights were out, and wouldn't go on.
"That's a bad sign in a monster movie. Maybe we should go back." My companion hesitated at the doorway.
I stepped into the cafeteria. I could see an old video projector aimed across the room. It was really an old model, about 60 pounds of 80 characterwide 23 lines deep green screen. There was no image, though, just an oval shape, lit with the eerie green light in the center of the cafeteria. The oval was about two feet high and six inches across. It was spinning vertically on its long axis, getting thicker and thiner as it turned. I couldn't tell if the shape wasn't circular in cross section, or if it was changing, like breathing.
Suddenly, a very solid looking hand appeared in the shape and thrust out from it.
I ran forward with the maul, swinging it around to build momentum. Soon it was whirling in circles like one would twirl a hammer for a hammer toss. I moved into where I would swing through the beam and strike the area just where I thought a body would be attached to the arm that was now poking through the ellipsoid, stretching it wider. I struck nothing until the second pass, there were shapes from the projector reflected back off the head of the maul, and then the maul's head vanished momentarily into the shape. I felt contact, solid but giving like a body, and the arm and hand were pulled back as I followed through with the blow.
The ellipsoid quivered as the maul passed back fully into this realm. I began spinning faster, windmilling the maul through the space of the ellipsoid while shouting at my unwilling companion to shut off the projector.
My companion didn't come into the room, however.
I repositioned myself so that I was tearing at the ellipse and moving it closer to the projector. Even though I knew it wasn't the optimum choice, I was trying to drive the opening closer to the projector so I might be able to knock the power cord out of the socket, or failing that, just smash the projector. I knew that if I smashed the projector, we would have to find the rift all over again, because something else, not broken, would become the new nexus for a portal. Only by allowing the projector to remain intact could we just power the portal generator down without causing it to shift somewhere else.
I tried to explain this to my companion while swinging the maul, but I was getting sore and tired. I moved close to the power switch but out of the beam and even further from the power cord, which came out of the bottom of the projector and was held in by a screwed on metal plate. Another zombie tried to make it through the portal when I moved to within reach of the power switch. I sped back, slamming the dried dead creature back to where it came.
"Please, just come in and turn the power off," I pleaded.
But my companion had run away and I was there in the dark and green cafeteria, alone.
My shoulder began to burn from the effort of lifting the maul each swing into the upper part of its orbit. I missed the oval green and black swirl completely, and it jumped away from the projector back out into the center of the room. I could see more Zombies approaching the gap. Desperate, I swung the maul around and flung it at the oval. I didn't even watch it go, turning and slamming the switch into the off position. I didn't hear the maul hit the ground in the room with me. I didn't want to turn around.
This could make a really creepy short film.
Jedi at the Mall
My Jedi Partner and several others were joined by their apprentices in a test hosted on a world that seemed to also host a large number of huge shopping malls. My partner and I found several gemstone hearts (he found one I all the others, then discovered it was all a trick to find Jedi who had the ability to find things, and then to kill them. I was bummed by this, because I was holding the bag with all the gemstones but one that had been found. I hadn't been using the Force, either, just being observant of the tracks in the still wet lawn outside the mall.
There was also me escaping to try to use the Force to encourage the Mall visitors to get to their vehicles and exit in an orderly fashion. I couldn't really use the Force, though, so I just stood there waving my arms and asking people to leave calmly as the planetary defense force was coming to arrest people. That worked.
I managed to sneak back and rescue my partner Jedi and several other apprentices. There was a cool sequence of flying through a gauntlet of attacking fighters that looked a lot like the old black and white vector Starwars game.
I jumped back down to the ground using a gravity belt, and was trying to rescue several other Jedi, who'd been rounded up and placed in a warehouse. There was a Rancor that had been upgraded with robotic parts into a horrifying chimera, part animal part machine. It was going to be used to try to kill or experiment with the captured Jedi, somehow the robotic parts were supposed to make it immune to the Force. I discovered that the mechanical nature of the beast didn't make it immune to shoulder fired missiles (not so graciously donated by a soldier of the planetary militia.)
I was captured and brought up before the dark knight whose plan/experiment this was. He gloated that I'd only damaged the easily replaceable robotic limbs and the Rancor lived.
I thought that was great, as that had been my intention. This made him angry for some reason.
He then was handed a bag of seven gemstones I'd accumulated during the exercise. I didn't see any reason to tell him that I was holding one of them for the Jedi who'd actually found it.
Turns out there were only nine to be found, and with my halfdozen, and the one still in its hiding place, all of them were accounted for.
There was an explosion in the warehouse. The Jedi were escaping. I hadn't really had time to have anything to do with that.
"Let them go, we have the ones we need." Apparently the other Jedi who'd found a gemstone had been killed during the initial capture. (The PDF had found the other stone on a Jedi body.)
The Green Robed Dark Jedi turned back to me. "Where's your lightsaber?"
"I don't have one."
"You're not a Jedi?"
"I didn't say I was."
"You're too old to be a padwan."
"So they keep telling me."
"You're not trying to resist or summon help from the other Jedi. You're not really expecting them to rescue you?" He looked at me. I could tell he was trying to learn something through the Force, but I couldn't tell what it was. As far as I know I was completely blind to the adventures of Midichlorians. I was, however, really good at finding things.
I offered that I thought he was going about the whole evil overlord thing all wrong, and that he had some much better options for keeping hold of his power. That seemed to intrigue him.
Hotel dream with random images.
People kept coming through my room while I was trying to get into the shower. Elizabeth, N, Drama students, and the cooks for breakfast. Breakfast was served and there were stacks of pancakes and sausages on the side of the large outdoor grill, like we used to do for senior breakfast at the Mount.
I was then hearing arguing from next door and opened up the connecting door. It was a team from another HS. I asked what they were working on, then let them calm themselves while explaining it to me. I asked a couple of very directive questions, and soon they were off running in one direction again.
They asked how I knew so much and I explained that I was coaching one of their competitors teams, but in drama not science. "I wish you were our coach," one of them opined.
"I work for the district office, you can always call me." I tossed him one of my cards.
"IT department, not drama, it says here."
"Well, everyone needs a hobby, right?"
Labels: Conflict, Convention, Technology, Zombies
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