Flood, Board Game
I dreamed I was living on a house on a hill. We woke up and while out in front to pick up the paper; I noticed that I could see the hilltops across the way. This was odd, because there should have been three houses and their landscaping blocking the view. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked more closely. The houses were gone. And there were broken pipes pulled up through the ground. I waked carefully over.
What I had thought was distant thunder was, in fact, water rushing through the valley between our hill and the neighboring one. My first thought, my bladder must really be full. I didn't wake up, so decided that couldn't really have been the issue. I walked back around the sidewalk to my house. I noticed the earth was undercut and my back fence was missing. The side fences were leaning over where the back fence had fallen away. I ran inside to warn my housemates that we needed to pull our stuff out of the back rooms and move most of the weight to the front. Even though my house wasn't on a curve of the hill that had been severely undercut, the slope of the ground under the back yard was very steep and I didn't want our stuff sliding into the flood.
The flood didn't smell like fresh water, it smelled like the ocean. There must have been a tidal wave. I got as near the edge as I dared. The water was flowing back towards the ocean. The hillside below my house was scoured clean and I could see that our part of the development had been built on granite rock. The houses that had slid into the flood had been built on rubble fill, most of which had washed away.
This explained why I couldn't grow anything but the shallowest rooted plants in my yard.
In the dream the process of moving furniture and items out of the house turned into a board game. Since our neighborhood wasn't trendy we'd called it "Malibu Teeter-Totter" a game where you have to save your possessions before the house slides into the sea. Players started outside the house and pulled a random card, they then rolled dice to move their tokens to the item. The idea was to get everything of value out of the house before the house toppled into the sea. The winner was the one who saved most of their stuff. If you were in the house when it slides into the ocean, you lose, even if you had the most stuff out of the house. Every player gets one last roll when the house starts to slide, just to see if they can jump clear.
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