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Fermius Firefly

A Dream Log, whenever I remember the dreams I've had.

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Location: San Marcos, United States

Fermius is a pen name drawn from a series of short fiction I wrote when I published the small press magazine Stellanova (on paper.) I play RPG games to escape from my daily grind as a technology wage slave for the state of California. I eat out a lot in order to do my part in supporting our increasingly service level economy. I am butler to 2 feline masters. If you ask them they will tell you I'm not very good at it, late with dinner, don't have enough hands with brushes in them, and sometimes I even lock them out of their office.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Auto Trouble

        I dreamed N and I were in Cecil (the old Plymouth.) We were both in the driver's seat, driving. We were up at MBMS driving around to the back lot. We parked next to one of the portables and a couple of guys came out and started pushing the car backwards. I couldn't get to the brake pedal; N's foot was in the way. Finally I got the idea to put the car back in gear. We skidded to a stop. I revved the engine, and the two guys looked at one another then ran off.

        We then had to work like crazy to get the car turned around but we managed once N gave me access to the brake and the accelerator both. She was still helping steer. Neither one of us wanted to get out of the car. The lack of a passenger side mirror made backing around more difficult than I remembered.

        I had dreams earlier, but only the naked babes posing on the large concrete block near a beach stick in my mind. I'm such a guy.

More found Poetry:

My rodent as execrate

his shakespearian a communion

Attempt to be king.

Unprincipled politician.

Ad astra per technica,



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