Chalk Lecture in KPFM, Night Terror
I dreamed I was listening to a lecture by a woman who used multi-colored chalk to illustrate her lecture. The lecture was in a Killer Pizza from Mars, but instead of movie posters on the walls, there were blackboards. The blackboards were all different sizes and each had a tray full of various colored chalks, some of which were fluorescent. As the woman spoke, I sketched a scene from Star Wars (Luke hiding from Vader on the second Death Star) only in my scene, the characters were Lego Mini-Figures.
"Why Legos?" S asked.
"I like Legos, and I draw them better than real people," I answered.
"That's just weird." S couldn't seem to take his eyes off the drawing, though.
I had made the overhead light a part of the drawing, using it as the source of light in the Death Star picture.
The woman made her way over to our table. She stopped talking and pulled out a piece of chalk, making a second beam of light seem to come from the single lamp, this one in chalk, she than added a scene next to mine on the wall, rather than on the blackboard. She drew the space battle taking place outside of the Death Star. Unfortunately she didn't draw Lego ships. For some reason that made me a little bit angry at her, but I didn't interrupt her, just mentioned "It would be cool if the ships were also Lego."
"I can't draw Lego."
"How's that?" S asked, "Everyone can draw Lego." He then pulled out some red chalk and began to draw a Sand Crawler and Jawas on the wall as well. He made the Crawler look like a Lego construction, and his Jawas had glowing red circle pieces for eye.
"Now that's cool." I said.
The woman huffed and wandered off, her space battle incomplete. I started converting her drawing into Lego ships, and things started looking better. She wandered back to her tables and continued her lecture, whatever it was.
I had one of those short little "wake with a start dreams." I was in my kitchen, everything going along so normal I would swear that this is in fact a memory. I was cleaning off the counter when I swept up a fur covered eight inch rope. Only, I realized with a shock, it wasn't a rope, it was one of the kitten's tails. I called the two red tabbies names, shocked, trying to find out who had lost their tail. My heart started racing and I woke terrified. Everyone was safe and whole, but they were now expecting breakfast.
"Why Legos?" S asked.
"I like Legos, and I draw them better than real people," I answered.
"That's just weird." S couldn't seem to take his eyes off the drawing, though.
I had made the overhead light a part of the drawing, using it as the source of light in the Death Star picture.
The woman made her way over to our table. She stopped talking and pulled out a piece of chalk, making a second beam of light seem to come from the single lamp, this one in chalk, she than added a scene next to mine on the wall, rather than on the blackboard. She drew the space battle taking place outside of the Death Star. Unfortunately she didn't draw Lego ships. For some reason that made me a little bit angry at her, but I didn't interrupt her, just mentioned "It would be cool if the ships were also Lego."
"I can't draw Lego."
"How's that?" S asked, "Everyone can draw Lego." He then pulled out some red chalk and began to draw a Sand Crawler and Jawas on the wall as well. He made the Crawler look like a Lego construction, and his Jawas had glowing red circle pieces for eye.
"Now that's cool." I said.
The woman huffed and wandered off, her space battle incomplete. I started converting her drawing into Lego ships, and things started looking better. She wandered back to her tables and continued her lecture, whatever it was.
I had one of those short little "wake with a start dreams." I was in my kitchen, everything going along so normal I would swear that this is in fact a memory. I was cleaning off the counter when I swept up a fur covered eight inch rope. Only, I realized with a shock, it wasn't a rope, it was one of the kitten's tails. I called the two red tabbies names, shocked, trying to find out who had lost their tail. My heart started racing and I woke terrified. Everyone was safe and whole, but they were now expecting breakfast.
Labels: Cats, Friends, Night Terror
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