Death Ray Dream
I Dreamed I built a "Death Ray" that worked by rapidly oxidizing things in a 30 degree cone in front of it. The “beam was more like a spray that shot out about 30 feet from the nozzle. Something about O4 plasma in an electrostatic field, the opposite charged field shot out on the outside of the field causing rapid and destructive molecular motion from the inside of the cone to the outside.
I was running from aliens with a group of folks. We were making our way through a high density residential area, I was spraying down walls and roof lines behind our path. At one point I burned a hole in a building for us to make our way across the relatively uncluttered floor within. We then changed directions, hoping to shake off our pursuers.
Several of the young refugees running with us were complaining about the fact that I was armed.
"If I weren't armed, you'd all be dead, you’re welcome to split off and make your own way."
No one left the group. I made several piles of decomposing rubble behind and over our escape path. I couldn't bring myself to actually shoot at the aliens, partly because I didn't want to give our position away, and partly because I knew the death ray would malfunction.
At one point we had to stop and replace the car battery and oxygen tank on the Death Ray.
Other dreams were a little bit happier, but not nearly as memorable.
Ad astra per technica,
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