Puppet "Rocky Horror Picture Show" Dream
I was performing in a puppet musical: "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." I was singing the part of Frankenfurter as well as Dr. Scott. Oddly enough, I wasn't working the puppets. (Usually I am working the puppets and not saying or even singing anything in dreams like this, or I’m forgetting my lines completely.) I was just in a booth off to the side of the stage with another half dozen singers and performers, reading lines and singing the songs. We were all on stage and visible to the audience, but the main focus of the lights were on the puppets on the stage. There was a full orchestra in the orchestra pit.
I knew that in two weeks we would be doing “The Secret Garden”. We’d rehearsed about a week. The audience was small, about 120 seats with 100 or slightly over filled. This was our third week, we only had one more week to go, then we would be dark for a week. During the dark week we would rehearse the next show (although we did open the theater for rehearsals at 1/3 the normal ticket price, ½ price for the dress rehersal.)
It would be fun to do a performance like this, I wonder if we could draw an audience?
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