Scary Dreams
I was at a large lake, in an ultra light with a camera hanging from it, shooting footage of the first annual Celebrity Ultra light Race Against Viral Infections and AIDS (CURAVIA?). After several turns around the lake I noticed the Penn and Teller ultra light was having trouble and was loosing altitude. I flew over, landing well behind them just as they crashed into the lake. I taxied over as quickly as possible. I shut down the throttle and dove out of the ultra light, then swimming over to where Penn was pulling on the wreckage of the ultra light. He was shouting something about having "killed the most important people in the world." I helped pull the wreckage up out of the water. E and M were still strapped into their seats. E sputtered and was OK. Baby M was motionless.
"I know Child CPR!" I shouted and we got her unstrapped and turned over. I pressed the water out of her lungs and a single puff got her coughing and breathing again. Penn carried E and M out of the water and I started swimming after the camera plane, which was still idling out into the lake. Ambulances and emergency vehicles were making their way along the shore so I figured things were well in hand.
The next dream was drier, but scarier. I was working alone in a huge building at the edge of a new industrial park that was still, except for Stellanova Publishing, empty. My car was the only one in the parking lot. As I left the office I was mugged from between my building and the parking structure. As is often the case in my dreams, I was armed (this time with a pepper spray) but completely unable to use it to hit my assailant, in fact, I ended up with the nozzle sideways and bounced the spray off my palm into my own chest.
I woke up hoping I could at least put the pepper sprayed hand in his face. What really ticked me off is that I wasn't even carrying my wallet; I'd left it at home, so I was getting mugged for nothing.
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