Difficult sleeping night
The following is presented as it left my fingers after rolling around in bed for more than six hours without sleep. I finally got out of bed, sat at the computer in the dark without my glasses and just started typing. I'm not even sure how I managed to save the file with a valid file name, but here it is:
Difficult sleeping night
Saddened by the death of a lion cub, too much a reminder of the ease with which a single slipup can lead to death in the world af wild animals. We are just not used to the rapidity of action the natural world contains.
Then my brain latched on to Marine Event Horizon, repeating the phrase over and over again until it lost its meaning and then gained the realization that it might have multiple meanings like some sort of miniature Nostra Damos prophecy.
Would that be Marine in the sense of Aquatic, particularly Oceanic, or it the Event on the Horison (involving US Marines, or the Ocean.+ Or perhaps is this an event horison in which everything is sucked in completely once the threshhold is crossed. Is there just some aquaic event near. If I convert it to a bad quatrain with other ambiguous terms and post it as prophecy, will it become so popular that I would have to go into hiding.
Perhaps, just maybe, I can start my own church. I cold claim I transcribed them from golden tablets. Wait, that's been done. How about aluminum foil. No I have it! Alien materials that vanished once they were opened and transcribed. I could even use my digital camera to take photos of the tablets before they evaporated. Let us ignore for te moment that the writing on them looks remarkabley like it is comprised of the same sort of strokes I would use in my own illustration work, or that the phrasing is also similar. I have another idea. Take my writing sytle and fix it with alien syntax by babel fishing it into Russian or something and them back into english. Because We know the deity involved would dertainly only speak to me, its chosen champion, in English. Latin would be presumptuous, and too Catholic.
I should not consume chocolate before going to bed. Too much hand ahd foot pain, too much non-random brain noise. The OCD thought patterns seem to be triggered by caffien, or sucar, or the combination of both. This is too stream of unconsciousness, and I don't have my glasses on so can't actually see the words as I type them. My fingers keep telling me I'm making mistakes, but I'll be darned if I can see them well enough to correct them. Wouldn't it be a shame if I was so far off the home rows that the words turn out to be unreadable. Thank goodness for the little line embossed (raised) on the f and j keys. That
s the only tow letters I've ty[ed correctly the whole evening. I know that isn't really true, as I can squint and make out the form of some of the words on the screen. I can also just change the font sizw, If I really wanted to make out what is going on. OK, now I;m just stalling, don't want to lay back down and try to sleep. I should just think up a story, but no, my brain is stuck on Marine Event Horisons, and Dead Lion CUb and the rescued puppu who misses him. Not to mention the SD public who flocked to the WAP in near record numbers to see him.
Difficult sleeping night
Saddened by the death of a lion cub, too much a reminder of the ease with which a single slipup can lead to death in the world af wild animals. We are just not used to the rapidity of action the natural world contains.
Then my brain latched on to Marine Event Horizon, repeating the phrase over and over again until it lost its meaning and then gained the realization that it might have multiple meanings like some sort of miniature Nostra Damos prophecy.
Would that be Marine in the sense of Aquatic, particularly Oceanic, or it the Event on the Horison (involving US Marines, or the Ocean.+ Or perhaps is this an event horison in which everything is sucked in completely once the threshhold is crossed. Is there just some aquaic event near. If I convert it to a bad quatrain with other ambiguous terms and post it as prophecy, will it become so popular that I would have to go into hiding.
Perhaps, just maybe, I can start my own church. I cold claim I transcribed them from golden tablets. Wait, that's been done. How about aluminum foil. No I have it! Alien materials that vanished once they were opened and transcribed. I could even use my digital camera to take photos of the tablets before they evaporated. Let us ignore for te moment that the writing on them looks remarkabley like it is comprised of the same sort of strokes I would use in my own illustration work, or that the phrasing is also similar. I have another idea. Take my writing sytle and fix it with alien syntax by babel fishing it into Russian or something and them back into english. Because We know the deity involved would dertainly only speak to me, its chosen champion, in English. Latin would be presumptuous, and too Catholic.
I should not consume chocolate before going to bed. Too much hand ahd foot pain, too much non-random brain noise. The OCD thought patterns seem to be triggered by caffien, or sucar, or the combination of both. This is too stream of unconsciousness, and I don't have my glasses on so can't actually see the words as I type them. My fingers keep telling me I'm making mistakes, but I'll be darned if I can see them well enough to correct them. Wouldn't it be a shame if I was so far off the home rows that the words turn out to be unreadable. Thank goodness for the little line embossed (raised) on the f and j keys. That
s the only tow letters I've ty[ed correctly the whole evening. I know that isn't really true, as I can squint and make out the form of some of the words on the screen. I can also just change the font sizw, If I really wanted to make out what is going on. OK, now I;m just stalling, don't want to lay back down and try to sleep. I should just think up a story, but no, my brain is stuck on Marine Event Horisons, and Dead Lion CUb and the rescued puppu who misses him. Not to mention the SD public who flocked to the WAP in near record numbers to see him.
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