Dreams of Colliding Planets, Zombie Attack
Big Red Planet
Ends up in Earth orbit, causes massive tidal waves, and volcanic activity, on both planets. The upper atmospheres are in turmoil. The planets are orbiting so closely that you can fly certain high altitude craft from one to the other. The other planet has a breathable atmosphere, but no higher life forms are still alive. Only the life forms that could in seed or frozen survive a trip through interstellar space. (Or perhaps it was hyperspace, we aren't sure.) There is a portal that opens around earth as the planet passes over and I am one of hundreds who is swept up to the new planet. Fish and insects are the highest form of life, everything is tri-lateral (like HG Wells' Martians?) and small. The plant life is purple rather like the ornamental plum on earth. There are only a few species of woody plants. The air is sulfurous from volcanic activity. It takes several days to find the source of the portal and to reactivate it. (We managed to get supplies from airdrops from various governments of earth.) On getting back we tumble out of the portal as it sweeps across the face of the earth. Now scientists have worked out its track and are clearing its path about 24 hours ahead. When we have all been clear of the planet a team shuts off the portal.
I figure out that the planet was taking a sample of life from earth, collecting data like trawling the bottom of an ocean. I tried to convince folks of what was going on, how it would explain the wide variety of life, though in such small amounts, that we had found. Two weeks pass and the planet hurled itself into hyperspace again, leaving us with a moon in a new and highly eccentric orbit. Tides were still screwy and volcanic activity was at an all time high. Several groups of explorers were trapped on the rogue planet when it left our system. We did get a short transmission from the vicinity of Jupiter, and photos of the planet around one of Jupiter's moons. The explorers had found shelter and were trying to get into the machinery they had found on the planet.
Warehouse of Zombies
Diablo II meets Army of Darkness. I was at work when a sudden blast of energy ripped through the buildings. Suddenly I found I had the ability to make computer and other mechanical parts come together and become animated. I also could feel the energies of the earth flowing into my feet and potentially out of my hands.
I then find myself in our warehouse, building a huge computer golem from discard computers and old carts, and including an electric forklift. It turns out we need this powerful golem, the food services warehouse is being overrun. I ride on the forklift seat up to the industrial park. Entering the warehouse we are swamped by hundreds of zombies. The golem wades into the fray, electrocuting and throwing zombies in every direction. I am able to grab the small bits of overturned trays and POS systems and accelerate them in a ring of swirling debris that cuts down dozens of zombies at a time. Unfortunately the zombies are so thick and numerous that they overrun the golem and rip it to shreds. I am starting to feel week and after four more blasts of swirling debris, I can't even make the roll-up door behind me open up. I knew then that I'd made a mistake not keeping myself in the doorway. The zombies were so thick the last time I hit them that the damaged ones didn't even have space to fall down. They were just carried along with the crowd.
I picked up a tray of rolls and flung them into the crowd. Instinctively they bent over to pick them up and consume them, I raced over their backs, using the empty tray to fend off attackers. I almost made it to the door and freedom.
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