Number Obsession, Flying Wing over Poway
Number obsession, tonight featuring: Counting.
Why is it topping out at four. I cant seem to figure it out. Counting begins again.
Finally figured out my brain was counting the cats that were snuggled on me in the darkness. It was a particularly cold evening, and I didn't have my half of the electric blanket on. I don't know why most of them were curled up on me; N did have her blanket on.
I dreamed a giant flying wing over a ridgeline in
There was a panel truck, three axles, on the top of the flying wing. It flashed its hazard lights. I thought that was somewhat odd. The illustration on the side of the panel truck was as though you were looking into a full server room with all the UPCs, server racks and rack upon rack of switches and wires. The wing angled lower, heading for the houses on the top of the ridge. I raced to the bottom of the hill to get a better view. (The bulk of the hill was in my way.)
As I ran down the hillside, the flying wing clipped the tops of several houses, but the truck bounced off of the wing and made its way down Frame, where I could only follow its progress by the smoke over the other houses. I managed to get my car around the corner and was heading into town towards
"Why can't I read that," I shouted at Sara Prim, who was suddenly next to me. I figured she must have been waiting in the car.
"Because, this is just a dream," she said.
"Then I should know what it is without having to read it."
"No such luck, try harder."
"I'm trying," and I tried to take the dream over, but when I did I became too alert to maintain the free flow of the dream, and though I knew I could zoom ahead and catch the truck, I also knew the panels would not read the same as they did when I was trying to figure out what it said the first time. (And I also knew that, being a dream, the design may not have actually said anything the first time anyway.)
Oh, and this is too cool:
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Douglas Nicoll
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