Bond, James Bond
I was forced into playing the role of James Bond in a play *Before I kill you, Mr. Bond…*, when the actor who had the roll turned up in the hospital with broken collarbones. (Auto accident, fell out of the back of a pickup truck.) I had been the movement director, fight coordinator and had been at all of the rehearsals so knew most of the lines and blocking. I had to cut my hair and shave the beard, then we had a talk about dying my hair black, but decided just to spray it for the performance. I got to keep the mustache, just trimmed to a neat thin line (which we also sprayed black.) I made it through the first act with only a couple of flubs. It turned out that I was a better singer than the original actor, we'd re-arranged all his parts to allow him to almost speak his way through the songs.
During Intermission I had to have my hair resprayed. The Director indicated that I would be doing the roll for the next three weeks. (Tonight was supposed to be my last night.)
I had to begin the second act by running around the outside of the building and having a couple of fights (which I'd choreographed during the intermission) outside the building. There was a security guard who almost stopped us, fortunately a production minion was able to point out the cameras. We were only doing it live this one time, the rest of the shows would be on tape, we just couldn't use the tape of the original actor, as I didn't match him physically. (Being a bit shorter and somewhat rounder in the middle.) I completely forgot one of the verses in a second act song, but fortunately the conductor was prepared and hardly anyone noticed but us.
By the time this dream was over, 1:30 am, I was exhausted, like I'd really done a three hour performance.
This one was followed by other less plot oriented dreams with multiple catlike viewpoints.
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