Sci Fi Friday Review
Spent many hours in front of the television ( Friday night, and that time was directly reflected in my dreams with the addition of one feature. I was on the top of one of the Galactica's landing bays with Nan and a bunch of the cats. We were trying to catalog a large number of items from the history of the world along with several other folks. I wasn't sure why I would be involved in such a project. Besides who could hope to make any sort of useful decisions when we only had a couple museums worth of stuff to chose from. The rest of the world was apparently under Cylon control, or we were Cylon hybrids, or some such. (My pet feeling for what we discover on finding Earth in the new Galactic series.)
We had to take sudden evasive action to dodge a torpedo. Not sure where that came from. T-Rex jumped over the rail and fell about 5 stories. I rushed to the rail, afraid to look. He had landed on the flight deck. Apparently the crash shield slowed him down. Then he gathered himself up and looked up with a meow and leapt, sailing easily up to the observation platform. Talented cat. I didn't know he could fly. He rubbed around my feet and flop and rolled for attention as if to say, "How cool was that, dad cat?" I was just glad he was OK.
I noticed a pattern here in that my early evening dreams tend to be a review of recent events, experiences. It is the second or third dreams of the night that result in the wilder more detailed sort of dreams.
ad astra per technica
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