Crash Landed and Hotel Just before Midnight.
I was part of a crew salvaging the cloaking device from a large crashed vessel. We were installing it in a cavern to cover up our repair attempts. The rest of the ships complement was living in the nearby village and helping make life better for the original colonists. We were apparently at war with another race, they didn't want this particular world, but also didn't want us flying around the system getting in their way. They seemed to stay happy as long as we didn't have any technology (transportation) above that of the early 1900's. During the installation of the cloaking devices we had a power outage. I knew the aliens would detect our ship power source. I quickly organized a group of volunteers to take out one of our shuttle craft and outfit it with a reactor of the same design. We would take a big joy ride and collect as much of the old crashed fleet as possible before the aliens showed up and blew us out of the sky. We'd bail out before the missle strike. Sure enough, about eight trips in the aliens arrived, we raced back towards the continent, but not towards our work area. We bailed out and set the autopilot to maximum evade and try for orbit. We floated down into an uninhabited forest and watched the ship climb out of sight. We never heard an explosion, so for all we know the shuttle escaped detection. The aliens flew over head for the next three days. They didn't seem to find what they were looking for and we saw no sign of them on the fourth day. We figured we were about two weeks from home, so set about to make a couple of boats to take the river.
I was staying in a hotel where there were tons of college kids at some sort of theatrical or dance convention. Just before midnight I kept hearing thundering footfalls racing up and down the hall followed by lots of giggling. I opened my door to see what was going on. There were three young women in bathrobes who pulled up short outside the room. One of them flashed me. Very cute. They giggled and thundered away. I could tell it was going to be a long night.
"Did you see the size of the cat!" on of them shouted to the others.
I looked back into the room, Little John was leaning out to see through the doorway from the end of the bed. He was even bigger in the dream than he is in real life. The Lumpkin was hiding behind him peeking out over is knee. Both, "chirrup?" and I just shrugged and closed the door. I'm sure they'll be back. Head bonks from both of them and I stretched out on the bed and started rolling through the channels to see what was on.
ad astra per technica,
ad astra per technica,
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