Zombie Outbreak, Convention Parking, Ex-Girlfriend/s
Another aspect, while they didn't seem too smart, they did seem to have extremely acute senses, both hearing and smell. Oddly, they really didn't seem to be able to operate any machinery, so pushing the elevator buttons, something that would have probably doomed us, was beyond their ability. They were, however, very infectious, not airborne, but any sort of body fluid ingested or introduced into a wound (say by biting) would result in an infection. We rounded up all the fire extinguishers on the floor and found that they made the floor slick, and a cooled zombie was very slow and not very sensitive. We managed to lure or slide the zombies away from the elevator, then took the elevator down to a nearly empty maintenance level. From there we lured the zombies in the parking level up the stairs and then locked them in the stair well. One of us stayed behind (me) to keep them from turning back down the stairs. The orderly that had joined us locked the bottom stairwell door, called me on the cell phone, and I raced to the elevator, taking it down to the parking level.
I found myself wishing the zombies were like old fashioned Daleks, and couldn't climb stairs. At the same time, I realized that if that had been the case, we wouldn't have been able to get clear of the zombie hoard. The Orderly drove us to our cars, as there were still some zombies wandering the parking lot. We managed to drive out in a caravan of half a dozen cars or so, a big SUV in front if the way needed to be cleared. The Zombies really didn't seem to be interested in the vehicles as long as we kept the windows up.
I think smell and sound were their primary senses, the vision portion seemed very limited, they didn't seem to be able to recognize that there were people in the vehicles that were driving by them. Although they did register "big moving thing," followed by "Is it consumable?"
"No, not consumable."
You would think that the human brain would still be providing something other than motor services, but apparently not.
The group of us drove out into traffic and carried the infection away from the hospital. I was concerned about that so washed my car down with bleach water and used bleach in my shower. I also bleached all of my clothing including my shoes. I didn't want to take any chances there was infectious material on me. The bleach really took the color out of my hood and roof of the car. The tires ended up a funky brown grey color.
I realized I was late to the convention center, so got back in the car, I used an old shirt for a seat cover as I had bleached and discarded my old seat cover. I put the car in gear and drove downtown. The convention center in Dream City is actually agains the east side of some mountains that the town cradles on three sides. I made my way down out of the hills and into the city, noticing there were zombie inspection stations we had to go through. My car scanned clean and I was allowed to go into the auto repair garage (the convention garage was already full.)
When I pulled up to pay the outrageous parking fee, the garage manager stopped the ticket taker and asked if I knew anything about the wiring harness on the car I was driving.
I did, so I told him so. He validated my parking and told me he would have one of his mechanics drop me off at the front door of the convention if I would only help them go through the catalog of parts and pull out the correct one for a customer who had dropped of a car like mine.
I was a little suspicious, until I saw the car, and realized that they were not going to be able to take out my flux capacitor for the other car. It was a slightly different model. I showed the mechanic where the bad part was and how to find the correct replacement on line. They then shuttled me to the convention center. The mechanic gave me his cell phone number, in case I didn't want to walk the three quarters of a mile back. I thanked him and he thanked me. Apparently whatever I was driving was fairly rare here, and the mechanic had literally no idea of where anything was inside the engine compartment, the online resources were also not really available.
I found myself wondering how I knew so much about the thing, then, but shrugged it off as I was met in front of the convention by an old girlfriend.
This was one of those true dream moments. The woman was a compilation of every petite blonde I have ever dated. Her image and voice slid easily around all of them, never quite settling on one or the other. We walked into the convention, then out onto the dealers floor after checking in.
She/they were afraid that I would try to convince them that I loved them.
I explained that I did love them, always had, we just weren't a match at the time we broke apart, and probably still weren't. It didn't mean that I didn't love her, just that I knew we weren't right to be together.
She wanted to know if I thought we would ever be right.
I admitted that it could be possible. I put my arm around her/them and hugged her close. I really did feel the same love I'd always felt for her/them, along with all of the emotions, good and bad from our relationships mixed in, and I knew that it still wouldn't be a match, but was still good, and there really was still a great deal of love and affection there. I told her that and she seemed resigned, but didn't let go of my waist.
We continued around the convention, visiting old friends, and introducing one another to the friends the other didn't know. It was quite an enjoyable convention and I knew that I wouldn't be calling the mechanic to bring me back to my car when the festivities closed late tonight. I invited my former GF to come stay with me at my house, suggesting that we could carpool down tomorrow. We should also be safer if the zombie plague should get out of control as I lived in a home with a fenced and gated property.
One of the GFs said that if she'd known I would be so rich she would never have dumped me. Odd, I had thought the breakup, in this case, had really been mutual.
Labels: Convention, Dream City, Friends, Hospital, House, Women, Zombies
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