Mixed Results
Well, I seem to be sleeping better with the NSAID in me, as my pain is much reduced. Unfortunately, I sleep so well, that I can only remember little snatches of dreams, rather, or perhaps I’m only having little snatches of dreams.
Last night was a great example. I was awakened three times by kittens, and, in the past, I would have been in the middle of some long convoluted story line with complex sets and large casts. Last night I woke the first time only able to remember a few bars of music. (I didn’t really recognize it, and now couldn’t re-create it to save my life.) Nothing about the physical or visual part of the dream, if there was any, was rambling about in my brain.
The second time I woke up I know I was having a conversation with a raven-haired woman with startling blue eyes. We were riding on the back of a camel, the sun was low on the horizon, and there was a muddy river off to our left. A couple of pack camels with colorful bags jingled their bells a few paces behind us. None of the usual dialog or context or dream memories accompanied this scene.
Finally, when the kittens woke me this morning (about a half hour before N’s alarm went off) I was communicating with a large rectangular sheet of blue with a half twist in it. I don’t know about what, or if the green square in the background was listening in, or just a green background.
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