Running for Congress, Found spam Poetry
"Why, in the name of whatever you believe in, are the Rs running Dole again?"
All I could think of was that they really didn 't want to win the election; they wanted the Ds to be completely in charge when the fecal matter hits the rotating air impellor. That or the party had become completely schizophrenic.
I couldn 't believe that the Rs thought they could win with Dole. I think I would have a better chance of being elected. (Although IRL I know this isn 't a possibility, people would vote for a monkey if it had the right D or R next to the name.) I had the house leaders of both parties talking to me, as I was an 'L ' and therefore could help or hinder either side. On the other hand, I supposed I could also be somewhat safely ignored as well, I didn 't see a lot of committee memberships in my immediate future. I couldn 't see how I was going to be very successful here at the capitol as an 'L ' from southern California. At least I wasn 't the only 'L ' in the Congress. Fun dream, but I can 't imagine how I could possible carry an election, just an average American doesn 't seem much of a recommendation these days, for anything. "Safely Ignored," seems to be the label us average Americans are wearing these days, and the 'L ' next to my name would seem to make that even more certain.
More found poetry. Thank you, spam filter.
If bauxite be cerebellum Lose that spare tire - known as hog fuel. Did you catch last night? A fiber On an survival pueblo Was originally That pilot.
Ad astra per technica, FF
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