Alien Invasion, Multidimensional Helicopter Toy
I dreamed the Earth was invaded by intelligences from other dimensions. They took over a significant portion of the population. About one in 100 of us was immune to the take over, and others, like myself, were able to come to terms with our invader and create a sort of symbiosis. At one point I was able to ride back into the other dimension with my partner, and I could see the literally billions of mind containers that were stored waiting for life forms to take over. We returned, and I and my symbiotic mind set about designing a computerized interface for the storage units that would allow us to build robotic bodies for all the aliens.
I was in a cafeteria when the aliens delivered a helicopter like toy with a strange gyroscopic interior. Like a gyroscope if you pushed on it the toy would move 90 degrees from the direction of the force, trying to preserve its angular momentum. A group of us played with it for awhile and the toy crashed a couple of times, stopping after a bit.
I opened it up at the insistence of a little red-haired girl and a blonde with long hair in an Alice in Wonderland costume. Inside was the motor and the strange multidimensional gyroscopes. I was able to rewire the battery leads and get the gyros working again. I wondered what would happen if we could push from all directions at once If the whole toy would move into the other dimension. I wanted to take the toy apart to figure out how it was really working.
The girls didn't let me try the experiment, though. The blonde in the pinafore climbing into my lap and smooching all over my face, begging me to let them play with the toy some more. I launched the machine into the air for them to play with. I desperately tried to remember how the multidimensional gyros were built as I struggled awake. As I got more awake I also noticed that my rational mind was interfering with the dream physics and the toy wasn't quite as responsive or spectacular as before. The crashes looked more and more like the scenes of an RC helicopter crashing from Myth Busters I had watched just before going to bed.
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