Dodging the Construction Vehicles
I dreamed I was driving along the I15 North and shot down the side the road and down into a construction site where there used to be an off ramp. I found myself dodging the large earth moving equipment and trying to find a path back onto the freeway. I could see where I needed to be, but not how to get there from where I was.
I could see that I had to go over the lake and come back the other way, that side of the freeway off ramp was no longer under construction. At this point my brain started to protest, because the reality of this interchange is that the freeway overpass is still missing, so getting back on the freeway and getting off at that exit still means a four mile detour to get to where you need to go. I essentially started arguing with myself at that point, real me vs. dream me.
The argument just went around in circles and finally got so bad that I ended up in
"Not to mention that it's sinking."
“This is a stupid dream. I think you need to wake up now. “
“You need to wake up now.”
Somehow I think I was supposed to learn something from this.
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