I'm supposed to remember... What?
I dreamed last night of waking from a dream and saying "I must remember to post this in the Drog." but then not even remembering the details of the plot, let alone any of the other actual content. Does that really count as a dream?
This morning I dreamed of a photograph, either on the television or in a newspaper, it might have been online even. Brown railroad cars, dozens of them, derailed and tumbled together in the open parking lot or courtyard of a large building complex, also with brown roofs. The words 184 dead were somehow connected to this dream. I wanted to know how the train was going so fast that dozens of cars could be pushed off the rails and shoved into the small space they were in. There may have been flooding involved as well, though I don't know if the flooding caused the derailment, or the vice versa.
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