Abduction Dream
I dreamed that SCV, MS and I were in a large round room with beds that slid out of the walls. We didn't know how we got there, or why we were there. One night while we were sleeping, all our beards were shaved off. There was a poster on the wall that showed a cow face with a curved dashed line through its lips, and, just below it, a graphic of a human head with the same curved line just above its lips.
We took turns staying awake after that. During my watch there was a bright blue flash and we all woke up out in the middle of my front yard. All of our facial hair was gone. I was really ticked off, I've never shaved my mustache. We went inside, where N told us we'd been taken by a UFO.
We looked at one another, and noticed the other two had a curved line just above the lips. It looked like it was drawn on with an ultra-fine brush. None of us could find anything to take it off.
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