Diablo III and Haunted House Both Recurring Dream Themes
Dreamed more recurring themes on a Diablo III world. This time I was running an archer with a pokey henchman through a maze of sleeping dogs. Only by continuously running could I keep the henchman from attacking them.
I made it through, leaving the dogs behind. Made it into an area where the fields of desert plants were filled with archers.
I managed to clear a safe zone around us, and then the henchman ran off to attack something off screen, and, of course, dragged the mob back to us. I was running out of manna, firing a bright green batch of magic arrows so fast it looked like a machine gun. I couldn't save the henchman and only just managed to take out the last of the attackers, extremely fast zombies, with the last of my manna. I switched over to regular arrows. Sure enough, the unique bad guy was just off screen, my last few shots had passed through the crowd and hit him, causing him to charge me. He was enchanted with a fiery aura that took half my life orb the first time it struck. I managed to hit him with only one of the first ten arrows I fired. Not good odds. I had a bow full of runes of life stealing; it refilled my own life, but didn't drain his at all. I couldn't run as fast and even though when I hit him, he slowed down, it wasn't enough to keep him at bay. I tried running around some plants, but the AI was just a bit too smart to allow me to get away with that for long. Plus I had to stop where I had a clear shot at him to keep my life energy charged up. Finally I had enough manna to hit him with a blast of freezing arrows; just enough to slow him down so I could race back through the sleeping dogs. I hate purple Zombies.
Unfortunately, even though I had targeted him with a seeker arrow, somehow it also passed through one of the dogs, waking it. As the big bad guy finally went down, the dog started howling, waking up the eight others around me. I was swarmed and reduced to pulp in less time than it took me to fire a single arrow.
Another dreamed moment, clearing the garage in the haunted dream house. No ghosts helping this time though. I had to shovel it all out myself. Once everything was out of the garage, I could tell there was really room for four cars. I hadn't even noticed that there was a fourth car sized door there'd been so much stuff stacked up in the garage. I am not sure why I didn't notice it from outside.
I walked out to check and sure enough, there were two one car doors and one two car door next to them. There was no driveway up to the fourth door - that must be why I missed it.
I decided that now that the place was clean, I didn't want to put any of the junk back into the main garage area. The only things I brought back in were the tools and one workbench. "I have to build something now that I have room for it." I was imagining a flying saucer, or perhaps a radio telescope.
"Not until you make the kitty condos," N commented.
That meant that I had to bring the plywood and carpet remnants back into the garage. I got an interesting idea for the kitty condos, like the old tupperware blocks I had as a kid. Make some "White Things" or connectors, and make the other parts carpeted with a wooden edge to attach to the connectors. It would be a big set of building blocks. I figured I would drill holes and use dowls to hold everything together.
I couldn't figure out why I had to make kitty condos for the garage, we didn't really have any garage kitties in the dream. Only T-Rex, Ginger Muffin, Little John and Chloe Lumpkin-Queen of the Toasty Bookshelf; Peepers and Jennifur were back at the SM house, keeping an eye on things there. I don't know where Miranda and the Dolly Kittens were.
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