Dream notes. Just some very General thoughts.
Dream notes,
I was inspired to make some notes on my own dreaming history after reading the dream forums over at http://www.forteantimes.com.
Hypnopompic hallucinations (Night Hag, etc) the city that is oddly the same, geography and structures, streets the communities around it, the hills, forests and highways. It has changed over the years, aging with me. The "Anima" or opposite gendered version of myself. Somehow I missed the expanded consciousness "to be one with the universe experience". Fever dreams, the checkered dolphin and talking bookshelves. My sub conscious wasn't a little dwarf like I recently read in another person's post, but looked a bit like a young Sean Connery or Bill Bixby. Instead of saying he didn't like me much he shot at me with a toy rifle. (From the TV during the fever dream.) The Woman of my dreams recently looks a lot like a thin short haired version of Nan (I would suppose that's a good thing.) Flying, drowning, the ever rising water levels, the bathroom that was just too dirty to use. Friends and relatives long gone. Sudden voices calling my name, even sometimes when I am awake. Animal companions, usually of living animals and usually matching the ones camped in bed with us. Occasionally being another person, or animal. Been a Centaur, Eagle, Snake, Cyborg, Woman, Goblin, Ghost, Vampire, Werewolf (very painful and hungry), Black Panther, White Tiger, Lion, Bad Actor, Alien Color Blob (That one was REALLY strange, odd angles, shifting locations, inside parts of the house that connected directly to the outside even though completely enclosed.) Only rarely have I had the no shoes or clothing dream. Falling, and I have hit the ground, it hurt. I have died in my dreams, or taken mortal wounds. I used to never be able to pick up a firearm or weapon in a dream and actually strike an opponent to any effect. It is still so rarely effective that I usually don't even try. I frequently have dreams where I remember previous events that happened in the context of the dream. The worlds I see frequently have a history and texture and sound and smell different from my daily world. I have a series of recurring themes and locations, the Haunted Home, the city park, the highway out of the hills, the waterslide off the cliffs over the ocean. The boardwalk and cliffs overlooking the ocean. The city itself with it's confusingly triangular / non grid central streets. (One of the reasons I like San Marcos, its major thoroughfares are laid out in a triangle. It was very confusing when I first learned how to drive and would roll up here on date nights. Every time I drove up here to a restaurant or the airfield I would seem to think I was lost, then I'd be crossing one of the three main streets. I sometimes wonder if the similarity to my dream city is part of why I was so happy to move here.
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