Law of the Sea, Fractal Wings, Spare Parts MMO
I dreamed I was piloting an auto gyro along the route of a large convoy of ships crossing the Atlantic ocean. I was trying to keep the group apprised of vessels that might be having difficulties, and I was also ferrying medications and dropping them from the my craft on a long rope, then using the same to pick up other items for transfer to other vessels.
During one trip I came across a pontoon helicopter that had flipped in the choppy ocean. I had to threaten to not deliver things to a nearby ship to get them to divert. “What ever happened to the Law of the Sea,” I found myself asking over the radio. I flew low and dropped my life preserver down to the helicopter, hoping there would be a survivor or two who could use it.
I then dreamed that I built a fractal box-kite that had as much lifting surface as a regular glider, but fit in a pair of 18 inch by 30 inch box kites mounted across my shoulders. They made quite the humming noise as I glided around the neighborhood.
I dreamed I was helping test the Spare Parts MMO, and the graphics were still in a very crude state, but good enough to get folks juiced up about the game. Lots of character issues were coming to light, and everyone of the testing group had a long list of things they felt they should be able to do in the game. I knew we couldn’t do many of them without a large game master presence.
Ad astra per technica,
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