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Fermius Firefly

A Dream Log, whenever I remember the dreams I've had.

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Location: San Marcos, United States

Fermius is a pen name drawn from a series of short fiction I wrote when I published the small press magazine Stellanova (on paper.) I play RPG games to escape from my daily grind as a technology wage slave for the state of California. I eat out a lot in order to do my part in supporting our increasingly service level economy. I am butler to 2 feline masters. If you ask them they will tell you I'm not very good at it, late with dinner, don't have enough hands with brushes in them, and sometimes I even lock them out of their office.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Little Red Sailboat on the Lake

       I dreamed I was swimming on the lake below my home (obviously a dream home, no lakes near my tract home IRL). The odd thing was that I was towing a little red sailboat around behind me rather than sailing it. The sails were down and I don't know if anyone was in it. I was sailing out where the water was very deep, sparklingly clear, but so deep all you could see was the occasional fish and the darkest green that could be without actually being considered black. The lake was only warm in the topmost meter, when my fingertips or legs would drop below that level I could feel the chill in the water, the remains of winter sitting just below the surface. I believe I was towing the boat in case I swam too far. I would climb in and set sail for home.
       I've tagged this for car because, although it was a little red sailboat, my mind knew it was Little Red, my Honda Insight.

        Happy Birthday EC!

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