Red Dress, Goodbye to Pretty Pretty Purina
I dreamed that N and I were getting ready for an outing. She had a lovely red dress that was cut down to her navel. Every time she bent over I could see her cute little breasts. I was enjoying watching her get ready, trying on different earrings and necklaces. Bending over to try on different shoes. I almost suggested that she might not want to wear that particular outfit, but figured that she knew what she was doing.
The night before I dreamed N and I were out in the garage, telling the garage kittens that they should come inside, where it was much more comfortable. I was especially trying to convince our Pretty Pretty Purina, who was being exceptionally affectionate (she was our most skittish cat) but she was insistent that the garage was fine with her and rubbed us both up and down.
Yesterday morning, Purina was lying dead, stretched out as though sleeping, next to the food bowls. Her twin brother Ralston wandered in figure eights around the floor for almost an hour while I sat and cuddled Fawn (also her littermate) and Ginger. I am sad that we were never able to convince Purina to live inside with us, though we did finally get to the point where she would sit in our laps for pets and cuddles.
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