Time Shift, 2 inch high Alien, Dutch Door with BirdNest
Quick notes to try to preserve the wild images from this morning, have
already forgotten half of it due to the pressures of the day.
Was in a shop of some sort with a Dutch door in it. There was a box on
the Dutch door that had a bird's nest in it, and a lower container
with a red gelatin looking alien who was collecting the birds egg and
stacking them carefully. There was a loud bang from within the shop
next door and the eggs all cracked. The little alien was working
frantically to clean up the egg mess. I handed him 1 inch strips of
bubble wrap to try to cushion the remaining eggs.
There was a time slip. All of us in the shop somehow remembered what
was about to happen. We all jumped up and started helping the Alien
put bubble wrap around the eggs, as the clock neared the time of the
explosion I lifted the nesting box off the ledge of the door. Blam!
only one egg cracked this time. The alien asked if we should have been
trying to prevent the explosion instead. Only problem was, we didn't
know where the explosion came from, as it wasn't from inside our shop.
We anxiously awaited the return of the Time slip, ala Groundhog Day,
but it didn't happen. The Alien and the birds were very grateful. We
went back to work on their space craft so they could get safely home.
Read Ben Bova's Jupiter Last night before bed. While the dream didn't
seem to have anything to do with the book, I was definitely in a
science fiction mode.
ad astra per technica,
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